04 July 2011

Cheery Cherry Spice Muffins

Misspelled Cherry Muffins, Cheery Cherry, Carrot Spice, Coconut Hummingbird Variation Muffins, Butterless Banana, Use What Is In the Fridge - so many names for one little muffin. Born of desire and necessity or the use what you have mentality of baking. You won't see the Failed Blueberry Banana muffins because they sucked (I guess with a name like that they were doomed from the start).

Look at all those delicious cherry and coconut and carrot bits! Oh, and while pretty, I can't recommend this paper liner for this recipe because it tends to stick. Maybe try a parchment paper next time.

Recipe Time: Cheery Cherry Spice Muffins
adapted from my brain
12 regular sized muffins

2 eggs
1/3 C sugar
1 ripe banana
2/3 C chopped cherries
1/3 C diced carrots
1/3 C sweetened coconut
1/4 C fat free Greek Yogurt
1/2 C fat free milk
1 C AP flour
2/3 C quick rolled oats
1 TBS cinnamon
1 tsp Chinese five spice
1 tsp diced lemon peel (dried)
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Line or grease regular size muffin pan
  3. Mix wet ingredients
  4. Sift and add dry ingredients
  5. Mix just until all incorporated
  6. Bake for 20-22 minutes
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